Hi David,

My primary use for the TLS toolkit is for lab deployments, mostly during 
in-house trainings. I will miss the convenience of having a full set of 
keystores and truststores ready to go with a single command, but then again, a 
few commands in a script should replicate this well enough, without the need 
for maintaining the toolkit.

I see no obstacles to adopting NiFi 2.0 if the TLS toolkit is phased out, from 
the perspective of the deployments I manage.

On a side note: How relevant is the encrypt config part of the toolkit still in 
a mostly containerized world?



-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: David Handermann <exceptionfact...@apache.org>
Verzonden: woensdag 13 september 2023 15:16
Aan: dev@nifi.apache.org
Onderwerp: [DISCUSS] Deprecate TLS Toolkit for Removal?


The TLS Toolkit provides a number of useful features for securing NiFi server 
communication, but it also presents several maintenance concerns. In light of 
other available tools, I am raising the question of removing the TLS Toolkit 
from the repository as part of NiFi 2.0 technical debt reduction.

With the addition of automatic self-signed certificate generation in NiFi 
1.14.0, the TLS Toolkit is much less relevant to standalone or development 
deployments. The validity period of the automatic certificate is limited, but 
it provides a method of getting started without any need for the TLS Toolkit.

On the other end of the spectrum, orchestrated deployments of Kubernetes can 
take advantage of cert-manager [1] for declarative and configurable certificate 
generation and distribution.

Cluster deployments on physical hardware or virtual machines may have 
organization-specific Certificate Authorities, which require certificate 
request processing external to NiFi itself. For this scenario, documenting 
several standard OpenSSL commands may help to describe converting between PEM 
and PKCS12 files for common use cases.

Back to standalone deployments, Let's Encrypt provides automated certificate 
provisioning with many tools for managing updates. For a self-signed solution, 
the mkcert [2] tool is a popular and simple option that works across modern 
operating systems.

With these alternatives, the use cases for TLS Toolkit seem limited.
The Toolkit code is not well-structured, and includes several modes that 
involve custom configuration files with a Jetty web server. There are a number 
of long-standing unresolved Jira issues [3] related to the TLS Toolkit.

Removing the TLS Toolkit for NiFi 2.0 would encourage the use of more robust 
alternatives and keep the project focused on core capabilities.


David Handermann

[1] https://cert-manager.io/
[2] https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert

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