On 14/12/2011 19:14, Markus Jelsma wrote:
Yes, the goal is to upgade to 0.22 or higher. The problem is that 0.22
doesn't have the old mapred API so we can only upgrade to 0.22 is all
jobs are ported.

I thought the entire mapred package was deprecated but it seems that
class is not deprecated. It feels a bit strange though, this still means
that if we port all jobs to the new API, we still have to move all
imports for this class from mapred to mapreduce before we can compile
with 0.22.

Ah well, it better than nothing.

IMHO upgrading to 0.21 as an interim solution is not helpful, it only creates more work - as you noticed yourself 0.21 is a strange animal.

As I mentioned before, the API changes between 0.20 and 0.22 are such that in most cases rote replacement is enough.

Also, we can always create a branch to do this upgrade, and then merge it with trunk when it's ready.

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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