Hi Kiran

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 8:11 PM, <dev-digest-h...@nutch.apache.org> wrote:

> [DISCUSS] Google Summer of Code
>         22402 by: Lewis John Mcgibbney
>         22403 by: kiran chitturi
Please see


*Also, I would ask you to consider the following (BTW this is direct
feedback I got from Apache GSoC Admins)

1. What is the likelihood/danger of you being too busy in a new job (post
graduation) to do GSoC? You can think about this, but I suppose we can only
make a judgement call after having discussed it with you.
2. GSoC is designed as a full-time program, so even an additional
internship or a part-time job, let alone a full-time job are dangers to
successful participation and are generally discouraged by Apache admins.

I personally would like to get your opinions on the above before we
progress with this. I have confidence in your work and work ethic, but I
suppose it's just a case of determining whether you can fit this in around
your graduation life?


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