Hi Folks,

I uploaded a 'final' patch for the above issue a couple of days ago. I am
not expecting everyone to review, however what I would like to ask is that
we consider commiting this to the 2.X codebase. I will then focus on
working on remaining issues, we can then try and release Nutch 2.3.
Right now these issues are lingering. I have been involved in GSoC over the
summer and have not had as much time to work on other Nutch 2.X (or trunk
for that matter) material as I used to last year however now that the
project is finished I would like to put some time and effort into
development drive 2.3-SNAPSHOT.
I would like to open a parent issue to deal with the shortcomings of the
NUTCH-841 patch such as addition of secure login via
http://shiro.apache.org/ for example... these issues can be added to and
addressed if and people can.

Does anyone have an issue with committing this patch? I will then progress
to get a public instance of the webapp set up on any23-vm.apache.org with
an HBase server. The data will be truncated in HBase every ten or so
minutes so that we do not cost the node too much.

  • NUTCH-841 Lewis John Mcgibbney

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