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The "NutchTutorial" page has been changed by SebastianNagel:

NUTCH-2656 Solr setup updated for Solr 7.x

  || 1.13  || 5.5.0  ||
  || 1.12  || 5.4.1  ||
- To install Solr:
+ To install Solr 7.x:
   * download binary file from 
   * unzip to `$HOME/apache-solr`, we will now refer to this as 
-  * create resources for a new nutch solr core `cp -r 
+  * create resources for a new nutch solr core {{{
+ mkdir -p ${APACHE_SOLR_HOME}/server/solr/configsets/nutch/
+ cp -r ${APACHE_SOLR_HOME}/server/solr/configsets/_default/* 
+ }}}
+  * copy the nutch schema.xml into the `conf` directory {{{
-  * copy the nutch schema.xml into the `conf` directory `cp 
+ cp ${NUTCH_RUNTIME_HOME}/conf/schema.xml 
-  * make sure that there is no `managed-schema` "in the way": `rm 
-  * start the solr server `${APACHE_SOLR_HOME}/bin/solr start`
+ }}}
+ You may try to use the most recent 
[[|schema.xml]] in 
case of issues launching Solr with this schema.
+  * make sure that there is no 
 "in the way": {{{
+ rm ${APACHE_SOLR_HOME}/server/solr/configsets/nutch/conf/managed-schema
+ }}}
+  * start the solr server {{{
+ ${APACHE_SOLR_HOME}/bin/solr start
+ }}}
+  * create the nutch core {{{
-  * create the nutch core `${APACHE_SOLR_HOME}/bin/solr create -c nutch -d 
+ ${APACHE_SOLR_HOME}/bin/solr create -c nutch -d 
+ }}}
  After that you need to point Nutch to the Solr instance:
   * (Nutch 1.15 and later) edit the file `conf/index-writers.xml`, see 

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