+1 : I agree that nuttx and apps should stay separate.

That begs the question, are we going to have two separate Git
repositories? Because Git lacks support for multiple projects in one
repository. (There's nothing in Git that prevents you from trying, but
Git does not have the features that make the "monorepo"/"megarepo"
pattern work; e.g., it does not have sparse/partial working copies or
clones. Trying to combine nuttx and apps into one repository would
force everyone to clone a lot of content they may not need/want and
which may complicate building the RTOS with only their custom

It would also force an unnatural coupling between two independent bodies of software that should not be coupled.  Merging the two repositories into one would also be a technical feat since they have 133 necessary tags with common names, but no common commits. The also share some history since apps was a part of the nuttx/ repository many years ago before I realized that was a mistake and separated them.  I still consider merging the repositories a mistake.

It is not possible to have a NuttX team like: https://github.com/nuttx?tab=following  Anthony Merlino created that team as an experiment last month, but it has not been maintained or updated.


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