
Please help flesh this out.
Proposed Workflow Requirements (REQ) and Derived Requirements (DREQ)

REQ1) master is branches of apps and nuttx have to always build
  REQ1.1) ALL development work is done on branches.
    DREQ1.1.1) master is branch protected prevention pushes to it.

REQ2) git bisect shall always be able to build master of the project at every 
     DREQ2.a) merges to master may use squash commits from a PR when atomic 
commits are needed to insure REC2.
      DREQ2.b) merges to master may use rebase commits from a PR when NON 
atomic commits will for insure REC2.

REQ3) Submissions shall be PRs against branches typically master. But PR shall 
be accepted against other branches.
  (i.e netlink_crypto)
REQ3.1) naming conventions shall reflect lineage: 
   REQ3.1.a) naming conventions of branches shall be in the form 
                       master_pr-add_imxrt20, netlink_crypto-pr-bugfix_AES
   REQ3.1.b) submissions affecting multiple repos shall use the same branches 
name on all repos.
      DREQ3.1.b.1) CI shall test multiple repos by branch name
REQ4) committer may collaborate on branches.

REC5) While PR's are preferred, patches may be accepted.
   DREC5.1) Committers receiving patches shall apply them to a new branch (per 
REQ3) and open a PR.
    REC5.1) Committers shall attribute work to the person submitting patch
REC6) All PR requires a review.
             DREC6.1) the project shall publish a list of subject experts
  REC6.1) Request for review shall be made via email to subject experts or PPMC.
  REC6.1.1)  Multiple reviewers shall be required on OS internals.
  REC6.1.2)  Multiple reviewers may be required on NON OS internals.


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