That was actually necessary. We don't want to build a huge backlog.

I still have some fears about what is going to happen after the holidays.  My experience is that things pick up slowly after the New Year.    So we have another week or so until go back to their normal rates.

Even then, I don't know what is going to happen.  Will people hold back changes because of the instability of the project?  Or will things continue as before?  I was disposing of around 50 changes per week for much of last year.  To get that done with a consistent level of quality, we will need clear workflow requirements and some automated help.

I spent about a half a day every day dealing with changes.

If things go back to a rate like that, we cannot allow a backlog to build up.. not even for one week.  So I suspect we will have to take some exceptional measures like this until we are fully ready.


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