
When I use usual file descriptor for can device:
file_open(&CANmodule->file, "/dev/can0", O_RDWR);
everything works, thread blocks if further read() and, when can message
receive, returns correct nbytes.

When I open can0 with
file_open(&file, "/dev/can0", O_RDWR);

it opens correctly and file_ioctl seems to work. But file_read from &file
do not block and return immediately same nbytes as requested with some
garbage in data. But there is no data on CAN bus. Polling (of course with
POLLFILE mask) also do not get blocked and return POLLIN event immediately.

Doing file_detach() as describe in
https://www.nuttx.org/doku.php?id=wiki:nxinternal:detachedfds leads to the
same result.

Any thoughts?


With regards,
Oleg Evseev

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