Hi Ivan,

It is correct. It fixes a bug that was added when the imxrt1020 came in.
Apparently Dave did not wire the CD pin of the IC to the socket (He used a
GPIO). But that change broke the case were the CD pin of the IC is wired to
the socket

Please See

It is to use allow the use of a standard GPIO pin for card detect OR  the
use of the USDHC dedicated CD pin. (it also supports inversion of the pin or
CD detect bit)

If you wire CD to the USDHC CD pin you define PIN_USDHC1_CD (as
PIN_USDHC1_CD_n) in board.h.


If you use a regular GPIO you define PIN_USDHC1_CD_GPIO (as GPIO_PORTn |
GPIO_PINn) in board.h




-----Original Message-----
From: Embedded Systems [mailto:ivanucherdj...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 11:51 PM
To: dev@nuttx.apache.org
Subject: IMXRT1050 USDHC


I found a typo mistake in the USDHC driver related to the card detect pin.
It is a pretty simple one. Can someone tell me how toapplay a patch for it.
Or someone who know how to do it do the following changes and apply them.
Thank you in advance!

in file /arch/arm/src/imxrt/imxrt_usdhc.c

Line 379-381

  #if defined(PIN_USDHC1_CD_GPIO)
    .sw_cd_gpio         = PIN_USDHC1_CD_GPIO,
should be changed to
  #if defined(PIN_USDHC1_CD)
    .sw_cd_gpio         = PIN_USDHC1_CD,

And same file at lines 437-439

 #if defined(PIN_USDHC2_CD_GPIO)
    .sw_cd_gpio         = PIN_USDHC2_CD_GPIO,

should be changed to

  #if defined(PIN_USDHC2_CD)
    .sw_cd_gpio         = PIN_USDHC2_CD,

Kind regards,
Ivan Ucherdzhiev

Team Lead @ Barin Sports
skype: ipy_44
tel: +359888927760

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