I just like to discuss my recent nxstyle changes in regards to check the 
alignment of right of code comments according to coding standard.

I checked against /sched before PR and everything looked good.
But know I see at least two PRs related to STM32H7 that show many new warnings 
in the style check because of the changes.
When running nxstyle against all files in arch/arm/src/stm32h7/hardware I get 
hundreds of warnings with
"warning: Wrong column position of comment right of code"
When looking at the contents of i.e. stm32_adc.h it doesn't look nice, but not 
so bad that one would expect 100+ warnings.

Currently I propagate the alignment requirements over # pre-processor lines 
without comment when not separated by blank lines, because they are still some 
kind of related block.
By not propagating over #define lines without comments I can reduce the 
warnings for above file to about 30, but nevertheless there are many.

What do you think?
1. Keep it as it is now.
2. Don't propagate over #define lines without comment.
3. Disable "Wrong column position"-warnings at all.

I think I would be fine with option 2.

I have ran nxstyle against hundreds of files since you made that change.  I have not seen any problems whatsoever.  So I suspect you are pushing a global decision based on the odd behavior of one file.  It could be that one right hand comment aligned error then propagates to many other similar, but invalid errors.  I think this one file is trigger the problem and you should get to root cause of the issue before you make any decisions.

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