
Awesome, thanks. I merged the PR.

Re: incorporating this into the website– sounds great. Ideally we'd add the
Companion to the NuttX documentation tree in the repo, and then generate
HTML to put on the website. It's great to have docs that are versioned with
the source code, so they match up together and people can see the exact
docs for the version they're using. I'm happy to talk more about making
this happen.


On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 2:57 PM Brennan Ashton <>

> On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 12:20 PM Adam Feuer <> wrote:
> > Re: quickstart examples, I'm willing to do some for macOS and Linux.
> Zephyr
> > has those and they are helpful as long as they are kept up to date. I
> could
> > do them for next release.
> >
> Adam, I just sent you a PR mostly around adding macOS to the installation,
> but also updating the reference to Apache NuttX and including some minor
> toolchain related content.
> I don't personally have a mac outside of work (which I don't mix with
> open source contributions) so I am relying on what we do in the CI system.
> I just created a Windows 10 PRO VM, so I can try to help test, document
> the Windows side.  I know for me I have used WSL in the past so I was
> going to give that a go.  Cygwin I have not used in years, but I think it
> is
> what Greg uses so I imagine it is in good shape.
> Maybe in the next release we should consider integrating this into the
> project website directly?  We probably need to consolidate some of the
> info across the wiki, docs in the source and external sites so there is
> less documentation rott.
> --Brennan

Adam Feuer <>

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