I once was told that it was Linus Torvalds who insisted on the Pengquin mascot.  My favorit animal, my "totem animal" is  turtle. Unfortunately, a turtle is not a good representation for a real time operating system!  Unless it were a Mutant Ninja turtle ;)

NuttX is a very international project. The sun never sets on NuttX
developers. We are on every continent (except perhaps Antarctica). So if
the mascot is an animal, I think we don't want something indigenous to only
one place. But I don't know what to suggest here...
NuttX was created in Costa Rica so an animal from Costa Rica does not seem in appropriate.  Here the most beloved animals are (1) the rainforest frogs,  the red-eyed rain forest frog in particular: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/kids/photos/animals/Amphibians/Q-Z/red-eyed-tree-frog-on-leaves-3-2.ngsversion.1568211399457.adapt.1900.1.jpg , (2) the toucan: http://www.pacifico-costarica.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/live-belize-keel-billed-toucan-national-bird.jpg, and (2) the three-toed sloth.   The slot is, again, not an appropriate image since it implies slow and lazy.
Maybe we should then consider an animal from Antarctica, or one that's
known to have a species there, to at least have a mascot from that
Maybe puffins? [1]  They are small, fast and can live in both sea and land.
They also to some extent, and with some imagination, resemble little
penguins, which may also convey the "think tiny Linux" motto.

I like Puffins.  They also share the habitat with Penguins which is a good thing.

I think of all of those, however, the red-eyed rainforest frog appeals to me most.  He is already a caricature of himself.


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