-1 on more bloat

It is a simple matter to see the cost of a PR if we add bloaty
(https://github.com/google/bloaty) to ci.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory Nutt [mailto:spudan...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 12:25 PM
To: dev@nuttx.apache.org
Subject: Re: [GitHub] [incubator-nuttx] xiaoxiang781216 commented on a
change in pull request #1487: libc: Avoid ctype function to evaluate the
argument more than once

> But how long does it take you, when the linker tell you, you have over
> flowed .text by 256 bytes?

When you overflow memory due to a large number of modest size increases,
there is no way to recover.  You are basically screwed because nothing
can really be done.  The only way to prevent code bloat is by addressing
each and every modest size increase as they are introduced.  That is the
only discipline that will keep the size of the OS within bounds.

BTW:  This started out as a discussion in PR #1487.  I am not sure how
it leaked into the dev list.  But I think it is an important discussion
that all people associated with the project should discuss.  We are
experiencing unbridled code growth now, especially since becoming an
Apache project.  Each release is 1Kb or so larger that the previous
release on configurations that have no beneficial, functional
improvements.  This is pure code bloat.

Certainly capabilities are increasing, but configurations that do not
exploit those new capabilities are increasing in size with absolutely no

Is this something we should be concerned about?  Or should be let it go
and just sweep every fractional Kb code increase under the rug where we
hide all of the things that we are too lazy to address?  This is a
democracy.  If you like it like that, that is cool.

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