> >
> >
> https://github.community/t/docker-pull-from-public-github-package-registry-fail-with-no-basic-auth-credentials-error/16358
> heh. i may add my complaint there.
> now, i have a variation of my original suggestion.
> in addition to github packages, how about pushing the image to a less
> broken public registry as well? eg. docker hub

I can open a ticket with infrastructure to at least see what the options
are. Before it was harder because we don't have control of the secret store
on the project so they would have to add the API token for docker hub to
it. There are other projects using it for storing their CI images so it
seems possible.

I did not expect that restriction when we first set it up.  Why would they
not allow you to use there own Container Registry with there Actions
product correctly...  I had hoped it was and oversight and they would fix
it quickly, but it seems to be by design.



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