Normally this is done using the PHY driver at nuttx/drivers/net/phy_notify.c that provides PHY-related events to applications via signals.  It requires board-level support to handle PHY interrupts.

The network monitor thread at apps/netutils/netinit (see CONFIG_NETINIT_MONITOR) will handle taking the network down if the cable is unplugged and bringing it back up when the cable is restored.

On 4/14/2021 7:24 AM, Flavio Castro Alves Filho wrote:

I am implementing an application using NuttX where I need to detect if
the network cable is plugged or not in my board.

Today I implemented the function netlib_getifstatus(), which automates
the read of SIOCGIFFLAGS, similar to what we have in Linux.

But, in my tests, it seems that it is not working correctly.

What is the recommended approach to have this feature implemented?

Best regards,


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