
Steve Woodford has just integrated NuttX task awareness into his Maven debugger. This initial version runs on the NXP MCU-Link, replacing the 'stock' firmware.   Fortunately the MCULink is only about $10 and I'm sure it'll get ported to anything with a clock tick pretty quickly. There's a couple of READMEs in the archive which provide information about what it does and how it's been done (including a small NuttX patch to make it easier for debuggers to find the TCB....for discussion.)

Steve has just joined the mailing list but hasn't introduced himself to you hairy lot yet...and clicking on links from newly signed up users is not something to do lightly, hence my posting this initial intro;

I'm sure he'll welcome comments and (limited) brickbats. Hopefully he'll be able to show it off at the NuttX Workshop.

...and for those of you _still_ waiting for Debug and Parallel Trace, a morsel to whet your appetites;



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