On Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 5:55 PM Fotis Panagiotopoulos <f.j.pa...@gmail.com>

> Hello everyone,
> I have some issues with the watchdogs and possibly the scheduling of the
> kernel.
> I am not sure if this is a bug, or if I am miss-using something...
> I am working on an STM32F427, and I am using the independent watchdog
> timer.
> I have enabled the watchdog automonitor using a timer
> Generally it works correctly.
> At one point in my application, there are some writes to the MCU Flash
> memory.
> There are multiple calls (5-6) to the write functions, so writing all these
> data takes quite some time.
> During these writes, the hardware watchdog (IWDG) expires, and restarts the
> system.
> As far as I can tell the kernel watchdog (timer) never fires.
> So, the auto-monitor stops working.
> This seems a bit odd to me, for two reasons:
> 1. I couldn't find anywhere in the progmem driver anything that disables
> interrupts.
> I think that the kernel should tick properly during the Flash writes.
Even though nobody disables interrupts, the OS may be stuck
sometimes(~10ms) because flash can't write and read at the same time.

> 2. Even if for some reason the kernel is locked during the write, I would
> expect a reschedule when the write finishes.
> As said, there are 5-6 calls, so between these calls shouldn't the kernel
> check for other tasks ready to run?

Yes, the schedule should happen between each call.

> And of course check for any watchdogs ready to run and thus also run the
> auto-monitor?
> Do I understand anything wrong?
> In any case, what is the proper way to overcome this issue?
You can enable SCHED_CRITMONITOR related config to find why the kernel
stops the scheduling:
incubator-nuttx/Kconfig at master ยท apache/incubator-nuttx (github.com)

> Thank you!

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