On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 6:53 PM Jukka Laitinen <jukka.laiti...@iki.fi>

> Hi,
> I was trying to make a more general statement than starting discussion
> on separate PRs, but let me shortly answer still
> On 25.3.2022 10.32, Xiang Xiao wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 3:35 PM Jukka Laitinen <jukka.laiti...@iki.fi>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >>
> >> As an another example, we would very much like to bring in
> >> CONFIG_BUILD_KERNEL support for RISC-V for NuttX, as we have worked hard
> >> on this for some time, and have it working. Now, even when this work it
> >> is only additions, not breaking anything for FLAT_BUILD users,
> >
> > Yes, it doesn't break FLAT_BUILD, but doesn't mean KERNEL design or code
> is
> > perfect, that's why the interesting people can give the comment.
> But of course!
> >> is stuck
> >> in endless debate where half of the comments show that the reviewer
> >> doesn't know the RISC-V ISA thoroughly,
> >>
> >>
> >> Sorry, I give you this impression, but I have worked on RiSCV since
> 2018:(.
> I wasn't referring to you with the above comment... and I am sorry about
> this. I'll try to avoid anything that can be interpreted as comments to
> person, in the future.
> >> and is referring to how things
> >> are done in ARM world. And the other half is largely useless style
> >> nitpicking.
> >>
> > I think the most debate is about how S-mode talks with M-mode in this PR.
> > The module design and standard compliant is always NuttX core value and
> > highlight in:
> > https://github.com/apache/incubator-nuttx/blob/master/INVIOLABLES.md
> > Since OpenSBI is adopted by many OS to interact with M-mode firmware:
> > https://github.com/riscv-software-src/opensbi
> > It's always good to follow the best practice and what I insist in this
> PR:
> > we can implement a minimal subset of OpenSBI to support S-mode NuttX,
> We (TII, it's research partners and subcontractors) will not be using
> OpenSBI for interfacing between S-mode and M-mode inside NuttX, since it
> doesn't make any sense for us. For running NuttX in kernel mode, we will
> not "implement a subset of OpenSBI". We (Ville) have implemented the
> "native SBI for NuttX". OpenSBI is not a standard, it is just a library
> maintained by a few people. It is much better to just do what is needed
> to do what is good for NuttX, following the standard RISC-V ISA spec,
> and not blindly go with a 3rd party bloated library.

Ok, if you still prefer native SBI, please at least add a choice option in
so other people can support OpenSBI later.

> >   but
> > don't invent a private interface since M-mode firmware mayn't run NuttX
> at
> > all.
> Now this is fair request, and I don't see any problems in implementing
> this also for the mpfs in the future. Currently that PR (IMHO) doesn't
> prevent having another M-mode firmware+any custom SBI such as OpenSBI on
> other platforms. Currently there are also parts under mpfs board, which
> can be generalized later on to avoid code copy paste, if others want to
> use our implementation on other risc-v archs. Right now there is no
> copy-paste code added, since this is not used in any other risc-v archs.
> I see bringing in CONFIG_BUILD_KERNEL as a very important step, and I
> see it a huge step forward if we can get in even one new architecture in
> supporting that. But putting too much pressure on making world perfect
> for the whole risc-v/nuttx community at once is just too much.
> Incremental steps forward is much better way... First make it work on
> one board, then generalize functionality when taking it into use in
> another and so on...

Sure, but since it's a bigger change and the implementation is unique in
many places, it's expected that the review process will be a bit longer.

> Anyhow, let's try to keep the discussion regarding a single PR within
> that PR in github. And I am really sorry if you felt that I was accusing
> you of something. it was not my intention. I truly appreciate that you
> are putting so much time and effort for reviewing patches to NuttX.
> Thanks,
> Jukka

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