Hi Mr. Wang,

Did you modify the driver to support both interrupts?

Also, do you have JTAG (OpenOCD) + GDB support to HDSC HC32 chips?

Using JTAG+GDB will be easier to track the root cause of the issue.

Seems like you are mixing the HDSC SDK code with NuttX code, it is
better to start a clean port to this new chip.

What board are you using? I didn't find a hc32f4a0 board at Aliexpress.



On 11/24/22, wanglingyu <w...@163.com> wrote:
> I attached more detail for the problem.
> hc32f4a0 is similar with stm32f407, but the serial irq is different with
> stm32f407,
> it includes rx and tx and error irq , but stm32f4 includes one irq including
> rx and tx.
> I uses UART6 as the console device and merge the relative register operation
> in hc32 sdk as serial output, the codes as below:
> void arm_lowputc(char ch)
> {
>     while(Set != USART_GetStatus(DBG_UNIT, USART_FLAG_TXE));
>     USART_SendData(DBG_UNIT, ch);
> }
> Using the function, I can observe the output by UART6. and like _info,syslog
> also can print something.
> For porting printf, I calls uart_register to register /dev/console with
> UART6,
> but "printf" can't output anything, any log can't appear. and nsh_main also
> seems not to be running.
> I make a test case in nuttx main under nx_start.
> fd = open(/dev/console, "0x6")
> write(fd, "test", 4)
> it is ok, "test" can print.
> but when I use printf, the system is suspend.
> By tracing the printf, I think the final operation of printf is operating
> /dev/console. so I don't know why
> the problem happend.
> attached .config and map file. thanks!!!
> At 2022-11-24 15:04:00, "wanglingyu" <w...@163.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem about nuttx during moving a new chip with hc32.
> the board can output with lowputc, system can run, and gpio control is ok,
> but printf in libc can't output anything, and at same time, nsh_main also
> not running,
> it makes shell not being used. the codes is compiled and linked.
> Please give some advices for the problem. Thanks!!!
> Br,
> Wang Lingyu

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