
OK I got the bootloading part figured out (eg, it shoud work because the esp32c3 has a serial bootloader mode in ROM that should support usb CDC, and I see a serial port by pushing the GPIO9 button while plugging it in), I will try to use my board as a esp32c3 devkit for now, it shoud be similar.


So the esp32c3-devkit:usbconsole configuration works on the m5stamp-c3u.

nsh> uname -a
NuttX 10.1.0-RC1 512be93c36 Dec  9 2022 12:32:21 risc-v esp32c3-devkit



Le 09/12/2022 à 11:21, Sebastien Lorquet a écrit :

As an introduction to the RISCV, I would like to use NuttX on my M5stamp C3U, which I can get for 8 dollars at a local store.


The module does not use a usb serial chip but direct USB connection (there is a schematic in the bottom of the page).

I wonder how it works: Is serial on USB supported by an internal bootloader or does this require firmware support that will disappear after I flash this board for the first time?

I ask this dumb question here because I know there are ESP32 people on this list.

Thanks for the help,


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