
At the end of this article, you write:

""" My question to all AI Programs out there… Do you understand the words that I’m writing now? """

As a developer community, we should be more than convinced that the answer is a clear NO :-)

ChatGPT is a text generator that, at any time, chooses the best word for the context started by a conversation. And its programming makes it so it appears to be legit text.

That's all there is to it, ChatGPT is not an encyclopedia and has no purpose in creating actual knowledge.

Moreover, it does not automatically learn from conversations. It is merely a fun expensive toy.

Nothing in it is intelligent. As some people put it, ChatGPT is a mansplaining as a service, only able to generate obvious and superficial answers.

Some people disagree with me but I believe that computers lack the fundamental capacity that will turn them into conscious intelligent beings. Or, at least, the current machine learning implementations do.


Le 29/01/2023 à 02:28, Lee, Lup Yuen a écrit :
ChatGPT (the AI chatbot) will gladly answer questions about NuttX! But the
answers aren't always correct.

Let's turn this into a learning opportunity, and understand why ChatGPT's
answers are incorrect...



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