Thank you for your reply and providing additional information.
Based on your suggestion, I believe a reasonable solution about
sched_lock should be step by step.

1 Add sched_lock()'s ability to the enter_critical_section()
2 Correct the incorrect usage of sched_lock, since many places
sched_lock and enter_critical_section are used simultaneously
3 Remove the sched_lock call from userspace

Finally, change the sched_lock's name.


Gregory Nutt <> 于2023年4月19日周三 21:42写道:
>  > I think sched_lock() should be completely removed
>  > most case we can replace sched_lock() with enter_critical_section(),
>  > at the sametime we add sched_lock()'s ability to the
> enter_critical_section()
>  > we can replace sched_lock() with mutex ,sem or spinlock。
>  > directly removal
> I would not remove sched_lock().  I think is it very important in a real
> time system.  Most RTOSs support something like this internally.
> enter_critical_section() is not a replacement for sched_lock() because
> it disables interrupts and, hence, harms real time performance.
> Interrupts must be disabled as little as possible because it destroys
> deterministic OS behavior.  sched_lock(), on the other hand, has little
> or now real time performance implications if used properly.
> sched_lock() postpones a task from losing the CPU until sched_unlock()
> is called.  Misuses would include locking the scheduler for too long or,
> in the SMP case, misunderstanding the functionality of sched_lock() and
> assuming that it is always equivalent to a critical section.  Locking
> the scheduler for too long is probably not as damaging to performance
> has holding the critical section too long!
> Both are very light weight in the single CPU modes.  But in SMP,
> enter_critical_section() is huge performance pig and should be avoided
> when at all possible.  sched_lock() is much more real time friendly in SMP.
> Your primary complaint and the thing that no one argues with is that
> nxsched "sched_lock() is very easy to misuse and difficult to
> understand."  However, that is not a sane justification to remove an
> important OS function.  You don't have a valid, technical justification
> for doing that.
> However, we should address your concern (but NOT by removing
> sched_lock()).  How can be make sched_lock() more intuititive and less
> prone to miunderstanding by naive users?
> I think that all we can do is change the naming or perhaps modify semantics.
> First of all, sched_lock() is a non-standard, internal OS and should
> never be exposed to applications.  It is for the use by informed
> developers within the OS only.  The naive user should not even be aware
> that it exists.  So at a minimum, (1) it should be renamed
> nxsched_lock(), (2) the user syscall interface should be removed from
> syscall/ and include/sys, and (3) the prototype should be removed from
> include/sched.h and moved to include/nuttx/sched.h
> The naming could be further improved.  The name
> nxsched_disable_preemption() and nxsched_enable_preemption(), while a
> bit long, do make the functionality of the internal interfaces much
> clearer and those are the names that I would recommend.

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