On Tue, May 23, 2023 at 8:07 AM Tomek CEDRO <to...@cedro.info> wrote:
> On Tue, May 23, 2023 at 9:31 AM Sebastien Lorquet wrote:
> > Hello Tomek,
> > Whatever is decided, the mere fact of wanting to make a decision on this
> > point will lead to more split.
> > either from people that want cmake
> > or from people who dont.
> > this is an intrinsically bad decision
> > Sebastien
> I am afraid of that, trying to help to avoid that! :-(
> I know each group has its points.
> Maybe we should just see how it works out in practice?

I very much *don't* want to cause a split in the community!!!

We're only having a *discussion* and comparing/contrasting. We're not
moving ahead and making any huge changes yet. I think it is a good
thing for everyone to say their thoughts and explain pros/cons.

If we try it in practice, we will definitely find out if it makes life
better, or worse. Unfortunately that would require doing all the work
(some is already done in PRs 3704 and 6718 but will need attention)
and maintaining two parallel build systems for a while. Will people
want to volunteer to do that if all the work might be thrown away?
Maybe, maybe not. I suppose it depends on how strongly people feel
about CMake.

So I think, first, we should make a nice coherent list of pros/cons.

I'm okay with tracking pros/cons in a GitHub issue instead of CWIKI.


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