
I'm using NuttX 12.2.1 with ESP32S3 and have been trying for days to figure out why it crashes on boot with our custom board/app.  It turns out that turning off CONFIG_DEBUG_FULLOPT and turning on CONFIG_DEBUG_NOOPT is what's causing my issue (via menuconfig).  The default from all the other esp32s3 configurations has FULLOPT on and NOOPT off.  So, to verify it wasn't just in our custom board/app, I tried this on the default esp32s3-devkit:wifi configuration, and IT DID THE SAME THING, it crashes!  This is the second time I've had an issue with random configuration settings causing the nuttx code to crash arbitrarily.  (The first was enabling CONFIG_DEBUG_ASSERTIONS for esp32 doing the same thing, which I previously posted about).

What the heck is going on?  Is the esp32/s3 port really this unstable?


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