Hello Mike,

Which version of nuttx code are you using? Recently I was dealing with
UART1/2 on ESP32S3 and managed those to be working in
There were few issues including some clocking configuration problem as well
as wrong pin functions used for UART1.

At the end I was able to even run RS485 with EPS32S3 and make a kind of a
loopback test connecting UART1-RS485 <-> UART2-RS485 on the same device and
exchange data between those UARTs.

Please check if your code base contains my fixes.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

пн, 18 вер. 2023 р. о 21:59 Mike Moretti <nu...@mordent.com.invalid> пише:

> Hi,
> I'm having trouble with NuttX on the ESP32S3 trying to get UART1
> (configured on the default pins) working via /dev/ttyS1.  The driver
> code for esp32s3_serial.c seems to configure uart1 as /dev/ttys1 when
> you enable it in the configs, however, testing via
> serialblaster/serialrx (and our own custom app) doesn't seem to send or
> receive anything on uart1.  I've tried swapping my connections to the
> pins, testing every pin on the devkit board with serialblaster and
> nothing ever comes out.  I don't have this problem on an esp32 devkit
> (with either uart1 or uart2).  It seems to only happen on the esp32s3
> devkit.  I can successfully use serialblaster/serialrx on /dev/ttyS0 and
> see the output/enter text.
> Is there something I'm missing?
> Thanks,
> -m

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