Hi team,

Thanks so much everyone for participating in the discussion [1] to migrate
OFBiz from Subversion (SVN) to Git version control system.

As we have concluded to move our source repository from SVN to Git.
Based on our previous discussions [1], here is the document [2] which can
help us to strategies our migration.

This document contain all the relevant topics which need to consider
before, during and after migration to Git.

   1. Code Repository
   2. Workflow
      1. Small Features / Bug Fixes
      2. Large Features
   3. Buildbot configuration with Git (Build Scripts)
   4. Revert workflow
      1. Revert Pull Request
      2. Revert a commit
   5. Backport the fixes
   6. Release management
   7. Equivalent of svn:auto-props properties
   8. Update the website, wiki documents and references

The workflow in document is suggested by Taher in thread [1], and based on
my experience with Git, I have added respective the points in the above

I have added some task in document which needs to done, confluence provide
use feature to assign the task in the document itself.
Example, I have assigned two tasks to me under "Update the website, wiki
documents and references" section. We can use this feature distribute our

I request everyone to please have a look into this document and kindly
share your thoughts.
Also, feel free to update the document.

[2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/Xg-HBg

- Best Regards,
Swapnil M Mane,

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