
We discussed our action plan for the next videos in the series and
concluded to start with identifying gaps in the functional expectation
topics we already discussed starting with Real-time inventory visibility in

Along with this, we would also like to know your thought on what should we
pick up next in the series. There are a couple of options available here
with us like:
- Order routing to the appropriate facility for fulfillment based on a
defined strategy by the business
- Order splitting for faster fulfillment of available items on the order
- Fulfillment application to be used at Stores(BOSS - Buy Online
Ship-to-Store)for picking, packing, and shipping Label
- Store inventory management
- Ease of managing most popular customer journeys across the channels like
BOPIS(Buy Online and Pick inStore), BORIS(Buy Online Return inStore), and
Endless Aisle.

Let us know if you have some other topics to be added here.

Looking forward to hearing from you guys.

Thanks & Regards,
Devanshu Vyas.

On Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 5:36 PM Devanshu Vyas <vyas.devansh...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> Since many weeks, we are discussing to consider OFBiz as an
> alternative for Omnichannel Order Management System. In doing so, we have
> created about 11 videos which are now published on the official Apache
> Youtube channel under the playlist: OFBiz as Open Source Order Management
> System
> <https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLobIkeUbRXqe7YKSOdrXTrbRlCa7xvyGe>.
> Please have a look.
> Now, we are thinking to do change the style of videos with respect to our
> previous discussions and would like thoughts from you guys. So, we are
> planning to connect on Wednesday, 30th December 2020, 4:30 PM IST.
> Here are the meeting details:
> Topic: Planning Upcoming Discussions - OFBiz as Open-Source OMS
> Time: Dec 30, 2020, 04:30 PM Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi
> Zoom meeting link:
> https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73447375870?pwd=a3FueW44aW54MWJuYmhLcnJJYkNkdz09
> Meeting ID: 734 4737 5870
> Passcode: z4eBa3
> Looking forward to meeting you guys.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Devanshu Vyas.

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