Le 19/02/2024 à 09:55, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Le 18/02/2024 à 20:05, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Le 13/02/2024 à 09:35, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

Now that it's soon 3 years that we did not Tweet anything, I think we should 
follow this advice


Actually there is more than that: Linkedin and Facebook.
Both need you to sign in, hence to give up your personal data.

I believe it's not to Apache OFBiz to propose that.
So we should remove all social networks from the site.
Even if whimsy did not spot those 2.

I did not speak about Youtube. I'd say it's still apart, you don't need yet to 
sign in to see things. And you can refuse cookies.
X is the same but it seems we no longer use it. Apart to refer to our blog... 
that we don't use anymore.

According to https://privacy.apache.org/faq/committers.html anyway Facebook and X are 
We should also change Google Maps, YouTube and Vimeo a bit.

Finally, maybe we should have a look at https://github.com/heiseonline/shariff

Please share you thoughts



Next week I'll apply necessary changes


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