Hi Daniel,

I don't know what to do with that. I locally tried "gradlew --console plain 
distTar"  and it works. But when I rebuild on GH it does not.


Le 01/03/2024 à 21:24, GitBox a écrit :
The GitHub Actions job "Build and push docker images" on ofbiz-framework.git 
has failed.
Run started by GitHub user JacquesLeRoux (triggered by JacquesLeRoux).

Head commit for run:
7d3a069b36d60fa9b049be5cbdbda2c24af8c6a8 / Pierre Smits 
Improved: Have library dependencies moved to a dependencies.gradle file 
(OFBIZ-10924) (#717)

* Improved: Have library dependencies moved to a dependencies.gradle file 

Currently the libraries needed by ofbiz are defined in the build.gradle file. 
These should reside in a separate dependencies.gradle file that is referenced 
in the build.gradle file, like the common.gradle. As is common practice in 
other projects/solutions that work with dependencies on external libraries.


build.gradle: removed implementation, testImplementation and runtimeOnly 
library dependencies added:
dependencies.gradle, having the implementation, testImplementation and 
runtimeOnly library dependencies

* adding 'apply from' regarding dependencies

Report URL: https://github.com/apache/ofbiz-framework/actions/runs/8114883721

With regards,
GitHub Actions via GitBox

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