Hi Carsten,

Did you have a look at 
https://www.google.fr/search?q=gradle+testCompile&ie=UTF-8 ?

Elese, "testRuntime is deprecated since many years and removed since Gradle 7" : https://discuss.gradle.org/t/documentation-of-dependency-configuration-testruntime/46219



Le 10/09/2024 à 10:41, Carsten Schinzer a écrit :
Hello all,

In my custom OFBiz component I would like to declare dependencies for 
testCompile or testRuntime only as foreseen in generic Gradle, yet I face 
issues when using these configuration types in the build.gradle - the OFBiz 
Gradle build is not aware of these types and breaks.

Does the framework allow for these dependencies at all? If so, what are 
foreseen types?

Thanks for any advice in advance.
Warm regards


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