Mexico is Central America.

Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Maybe we could subdivide Asia (it's so large) ? At least taking apart Southeastern Asia ?
Is Mexico part of South America ?


From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I would like to create seed data for some geo groups: Asia, South America, Africa.
They can be useful for defining shipping estimates rules (for example).

Is it ok if I create the group members for the following three new groups?

<Geo abbreviation="AFR" geoCode="AFR" geoTypeId="GROUP" geoId="AFR" geoName="Africa"/>

<Geo abbreviation="ASI" geoCode="ASI" geoTypeId="GROUP" geoId="ASI" geoName="Asia"/>

<Geo abbreviation="SAM" geoCode="SAM" geoTypeId="GROUP" geoId="SAM" geoName="South America"/>

What do you think about the names of the above groups.

I would like to define the new groups in a new file GeoDataGroups.xml and move there the existing group for European Union.

Is it ok?


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