if you do a google search for
ofbiz ORA-01461
you will see that this error shows up in a lot of applications.
did a search in
scroll down to oracle

RKalaria sent the following on 12/3/2008 7:27 AM:
> Hi all,
>        We are randomly getting error : ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only
> for insert into a LONG when ofbiz runs a scheduled job and try to create a
> new pending job.
>        Environment :
>        OS : Linux SuSe 10.3
>        Java version "1.6.0_07"/Java version "1.5.0_12"
>        Oracle Enterprise Edition database with Oracle OCI driver
>        The problem is random. Most of the time ofbiz runs the scheduled
> jobs, create new pending jobs and finishes the current running jobs
> successfully.
>       But for sometime it fails to create new pending jobs and also it
> doesn't finishes the currently running job.
>      Please provide some inputs as most of the services are failing randomly
> because of this behaviour.
> Regards,
> Rajesh

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