
I have found a more complicated problem, after creating a purchase order using 
the demo catalog, i wanted to receive this order :

So in facility, Receive inventory :
- I gave my PO number, and chose to receive the entire PO.
- Then viewing my PO, i selected all the product I ordered, and click on the 
"Receive Selected Product(s)" button to finalize my reception...

Then i found an error (log is at the end of the mail, sorry for the length of 
this quote)

After searching in the code, I think that the problem is somewhere in the 
UelUtil.java (used in FlexibleMapAccessor.java), which caused parsing error.
But i didn't find something conclusive...

Best regards !


The Following Errors Occurred:

2009-04-20 12:48:10,411 (http- [     
ServiceEcaRule.java:150:INFO ] Running Service ECA Service: 
updateOrderStatusFromReceipt, triggered by rule on Service: 
2009-04-20 12:48:10,470 (http- 
[FlexibleMapAccessor.java:141:INFO ] UEL exception while getting value: 
javax.el.ELException: Error parsing '${totalsMap.00001}': syntax error at 
position 11, encountered '.00001', expected '}', original = totalsMap.
2009-04-20 12:48:10,472 (http- 
[FlexibleMapAccessor.java:164:INFO ] UEL exception while setting value: 
javax.el.ELException: Error parsing '${totalsMap.00001}': syntax error at 
position 11, encountered '.00001', expected '}', original = totalsMap.
2009-04-20 12:48:10,474 (http- 
[FlexibleMapAccessor.java:141:INFO ] UEL exception while getting value: 
javax.el.ELException: Error parsing '${totalsMap.00001}': syntax error at 
position 11, encountered '.00001', expected '}', original = totalsMap.
2009-04-20 12:48:10,475 (http- [          
Calculate.java:351:INFO ] Field not found with field-name totalsMap.
${receipt.orderItemSeqId}, and map-name using a default of 0                    
2009-04-20 12:48:10,477 (http- 
[FlexibleMapAccessor.java:164:INFO ] UEL exception while setting value: 
javax.el.ELException: Error parsing '${totalsMap.00001}': syntax error at 
position 11, encountered '.00001', expected '}', original = totalsMap.
2009-04-20 12:48:10,481 (http- 
[FlexibleMapAccessor.java:141:INFO ] UEL exception while getting value: 
javax.el.ELException: Error parsing '${totalsMap.00001}': syntax error at 
position 11, encountered '.00001', expected '}', original = totalsMap.
2009-04-20 12:48:10,484 (http- [    
TransactionUtil.java:311:WARN ]                                                 
---- exception report 
[TransactionUtil.setRollbackOnly] Calling transaction setRollbackOnly; this 
stack trace shows where this is happening:                                      
Exception: java.lang.Exception                                                  
Message: Error in simple-method [Update Order Status From ShipmentReceipt 
; [Error with comparison in if-compare-field between fields 
[.orderItem.quantity] with value [2.000000] and [.totalsMap.
${receipt.orderItemSeqId}] with value [null] with operator [less-equals] and 
type [BigDecimal]: , Right value is null, cannot complete compare for the 
operator less-equals]                             
---- stack trace 
java.lang.Exception: Error in simple-method [Update Order Status From 
; [Error with comparison in if-compare-field between fields 
[.orderItem.quantity] with value [2.000000] and [.totalsMap.
${receipt.orderItemSeqId}] with value [null] with operator [less-equals] and 
type [BigDecimal]: , Right value is null, cannot complete compare for the 
operator less-equals]                 

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