I'm getting ready to deploy the latest trunk to our production server, and I have encountered a few problems with the way the seed data is set up.

In order to get the latest features to work with my existing database, I have to run ant run-install-seed. The problem is, there is a lot of demo data in the seed files. And I really mean a LOT. After running run-install-seed, my database contains a lot of demo data that I had previously removed.

I would like to suggest the following best practices:

1. Keep seed-initial, seed, and demo data in separate XML files.
2. Name the files accordingly, so their purpose is clear. Example: [component name]InitialData.xml, [component name]SeedData.xml, and [component name]DemoData.xml.

Right now I'm working on sorting out the data for the accounting component. The AccountingSecurityData.xml file is loaded as seed data, but it contains both seed AND demo data: security permissions are seed data, assigning those permissions to demo security groups is demo data. The AccountingTypeData.xml file is loaded as seed data, but it also contains both seed and demo data. Those are just two examples.

I can commit some of my work as an example of what changes need to be made.

What do you think?


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