widget.properties's widget.verbose setting has precedence over web.xml's 
widgetVerbose setting. So you can't use
parameters.widgetVerbose to override widget.verbose to false. Is 
ModelWidget.widgetBoundaryCommentsEnabled() written this way for
some reasons?

Another issue is that these HTML boundary comments get outputted even though the view 
handler is set to "screencsv". In the
widget-screen.xsd, the only way to invoke a template to produce CSV is using 
<html><html-template />, but this always adds HTML
comments even if the output is CSV (see HtmlWidget class). Maybe we could introduce a 
<csv> element or something like that?

Anyway, both of those problems combined mean that there are no apparent clean ways to 
remove the HTML "template begin/end" boundary
comments from the CSV output if you try to draw it with an *.ftl template. A workaround kludge for now is to invoke the FTL manually through a Groovy script.



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