Hi Hans:
Indeed it does.

Not sure how this is suppose to work, but if you select the "Browse Content" ->  
"Store Policies"  on the main landing page you get:

 [POLICY] Policies Search

Which, when you click on the "Search" link, brings up all kinds of stuff that 
doesn't seem to have anything to do with content search...
Anyhow, I think it needs a relook as well.

Best Regards,
Ruth Hoffman
http://www.myofbiz.com, http://www.aesolves.com


We will have a look at this Ruth, it is specific from the blog though,
look at the policies at the bottom of the screen, there it works,


-- Ofbiz on twitter: http://twitter.com/apache_ofbiz Alternative ofbiz website: http://www.ofbiz.info http://www.antwebsystems.com : Quality services for competitive rates. On Thu, 2011-09-15 at 15:40 -0400, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

Thur. Sept 15, 2011 3:30pm ET downloaded latest trunk zip file. Ran ant
run-install. Ran ./startofbiz.sh. Navigate my browser to:


Click on:

Empty web page displayed.

However, if I click on the RSS icon instead and click on one of the
provided links, for example:

The blog article is displayed.

Just thought you'd like to know that SEO content level redirection is
not working as advertised in the recent August 2011 "Main New Features
In The OFBiz Trunk":

     "added an function on the website detail: 'SEO' to generate missing
     seo fiendly url's on a catalog, category, product and content level.
     entities records which have         already a seo friendly
     alternative url are not touched

At least it is not working for content/blog level stuff. Please feel
free to add your own JIRA issue. [Perhaps the party that added this
feature in the first place would like to do that.]

Best Regards,

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