On 05/30/2012 12:22 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>> I need to reacquaint myself with the entity engine code. I was
>>> thinking the visitor pattern could be used to construct the SQL string
>>> instead of the complicated if-then-else code spread across a number of
>>> classes. We could use different visitors for different databases.
>> Yes, that was my original thought.  However, I don't think it's that
>> simple anymore.  I've got a much better understanding of the entity
>> system since I wrote the visitor stuff.
>> I'd actually like to see my generic sql code be used to represent
>> entitymodel, then add sql<->sql conversion code.  I have an xslt that
>> can read *all* entitymodel.xml and convert it to entitymodel.sql, or
>> entitymodel.java.  I used the former to verify that my sql parsing was
>> featureful enough.
> You lost me. How will this look when it is finished? Will the entity
> model XML files be replaced with SQL files?

No.  I just used the xslt to verify that the actual sql parsing code,
and the built-up object graph, were capable of representing everything
mentioned in entitymodel.xml.

>>>>> Also, I was wondering if we could add some timing metrics to the
>>>>> entity engine. Maybe keep an average query time per entity, and
>>>>> throw
>>>>> an exception when the average exceeds a configurable threshold. This
>>>>> would facilitate server overload management.
>>>> There is already code that does that, when a query takes a long time.
>>> I don't see any code that does that.
>> I've seen lines in the log file where queries take too long.
>> GenericDAO.selectListIteratorByCondition() has an example for that,
>> but it's not done in select().
> Thanks. That code simply logs the time it took to execute a query. I'm
> proposing code that will monitor queries and provide feedback to a
> server management process.

Sure.  The quickly typed example class I gave would help in that.

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