Hi Swapnil,

This is possible with fail-message but seems indeed impossible with 


Le 04/06/2016 à 13:14, Swapnil Mane a écrit :
Dear team,

As per the current OOTB code, In <fail-property> tag, we don't have support
for fetching the property message along with updated value of placeholder.
for e.g. We have UiLabel AccountingInvoiceUpdateOnlyWithInProcessStatus


<property key="AccountingInvoiceUpdateOnlyWithInProcessStatus">

<value xml:lang="en">Can only update Invoice, when status is
in-process...current status: ${lookedUpValue.statusId}</value>

(*Here placeholder is  ${lookedUpValue.statusId}*)

Now, In simple method 'InvoiceStatusInProgress'
(accounting/widget/InvoiceScreens.xml), we used fail-property


<fail-property resource="AccountingUiLabels"
property="AccountingInvoiceUpdateOnlyWithInProcessStatus" />

using this, we are unable to pass the value of statusId, for getting
the message like

Can only update Invoice, when status is in-process...current status:

Kindly let me know if I am missing anything while using the <fail-property>
or if it is the current limitation, we can proceed to create Jira ticket
(Please confirm :)

- Best Regards,
Swapnil M Mane
HotWax Systems,

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