Hello Devs,

Any thoughts on this? Should I log JIRA issue for the same??

Thanks & Regards,
*Pritam Kute*
*HotWax Systems* | www.hotwaxsystems.com

On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 2:26 PM, Pritam Kute <pritam.k...@hotwaxsystems.com>

> Hello OFBiz Developers,
> While working on the issue OFBIZ-7252
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-7252>, I found one problem
> in Form Widgets. When we use <alt-target> attribute in child form, the
> system should consider overridden <alt-target> in child form. This is
> default expected behaviour. But in this case, it is always considering the
> <alt-target> of the parent form.
> For example:
> *<form name="ParentForm" .....>*
> *  <alt-target use-when="xyz != abc" target="executeParentTarget"/> *
> *  ........*
> *</form>*
> *<form name="ChildForm" extends="ParentForm" extend-resource="........>*
> *  <alt-target use-when="xyz != abc" target="executeChildTarget"/> *
> *  ........*
> *</form>*
> In above example, expectation is 'executeChildTarget' target should get
> executed but actually 'executeParentTarget' is getting executed.
> When we looked into framework level code of Form Widgets, we got the
> following code snippets:
> *ModelForm.java* (Line: 380-388)
> *ArrayList<AltTarget> altTargets = new ArrayList<AltTarget>();*
> *if (parentModel != null) {*
> *    altTargets.addAll(parentModel.altTargets);*
> *}*
> *for (Element altTargetElement : UtilXml.childElementList(formElement,
> "alt-target")) {*
> *    altTargets.add(new AltTarget(altTargetElement));*
> *}*
> *altTargets.trimToSize();*
> *this.altTargets = Collections.unmodifiableList(altTargets);*
> Here we can see that all alt-targets present in parent form are added to
> the list first and then all alt-targets present in child form are added.
> This causes a problem as method getTarget() of ModelForm.java (Line:
> 1352-1384) returns the first element in the list as alt-target.
> Is this is intentionally done or we are missing something?
> Thanks & Regards,
> --
> *Pritam Kute*
> *HotWax Systems* | www.hotwaxsystems.com

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