Thanks Taher,

IMO if we do that we should document clearly how to do it, before dropping and 
cleaning the multi-tenancy feature.

Of course solving the 2 issues reported in OFBIZ-9230 (checkRhsType and getSystemPropertyValue) should be tried before. I'll not create Jiras for that before we get to a consensus


Le 03/03/2017 à 13:22, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :
In my opinion, the multi-tenancy feature can be reasonably replaced with
non-java databases like mysql and postgres combined with docker. Both
instances share the same code base but with two different runtime volumes
and two databases. This would actually reduce the complexity of the code
base, especially the entity engine.

On Mar 3, 2017 10:39 AM, "Jacques Le Roux" <>


After my analysis at if we don't fix the issues
reported there I wonder if we don't need to remove the multitenant feature,
better not to propose a broken solution!


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