Hi Chris,

I'm writing to give an update on my progress on OODT-402 and getting
up to speed with the OODT project.

I've been reading through the documentation from
http://oodt.apache.org/components/maven/filemgr and the wiki pages
http://cwiki.apache.org/oodt.  I've also read up on the GeoRSS format
at http://georss.org and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeoRSS.

By following the user guides (which are awesome by the way!) I have
built OODT with maven v2.2.1 on my laptop (macbook running OSX Lion)
and set up the File Manager program (I've ingested my first 'blah.txt'
file with meta data!  And also tested out some queries).

As a next step, I'd like to install the File Manager webapp.  Are
there any recent guides for installing?  I watched both of your Apache
OODT Curation tutorials on YouTube (very cool) and also found some
info about webapps from one of your replies on the
u...@oodt.apache.org mailing list (with link to slides
http://oodt.apache.org/components/maven/grid/slides.pdf).  I have my
webapp target folders and war files from the build and I have Tomcat
set up on my machine, so hopefully I'm not far off being up and
running!  Apologies if this is something obvious that I should know
already (e.g. by learning more about Tomcat).

I built the 0.3 release of OODT on my machine.  But I also had a look
through the latest webapp source code and noted your comments in the
following file:


    If you want to turn your CAS File Manager into a GeoRSS
    simple service (see http://georss.org/simple), add the
    following block, assuming that you have indexed met fields
    named Latitude and Longitude for your product (update as
    appropriate otherwise).

    <tag name="georss:point" source="[Latitude] [Longitude]"/>

Am I right in thinking that this is the starting point for OODT-402?
I saw from georss.org that there are a few different GeoRSS formats
(Simple, GML and W3C).  But I read that the W3C format is a bit older
and the GML format is quite extensive, so it's a great plan to use the
simple format and work from there.

I'd like to set up a similar development environment to the OODT
developers.  Is Eclipse the IDE of choice?  I noticed you using it on
the youtube tutorials and also there's an 'OODT Eclipse Developer
Help' guide on the wiki.  I have version 3.7.2 (Indigo) installed on
my machine but please let me know if there are any incompatibility

Regarding OODT-402, do you have a feel for how long you'd expect me to
take in completing the project?  I'd like to put together a plan of
action for my GSoC proposal.  I have the three step outline from the
OODT-402 JIRA page as the basis for the plan.  I feel that I have a
good knowledge of XML and core Java, for example I have passed the
Oracle Certified Java Programmer exam.  Hopefully I also have a good
grounding in some of the design principles used in OODT, for example
factory design patterns and coding to interfaces for extensibility, as
I have taken several OO classes so far in my studies.

I'm hoping to have some more specific questions about the steps for
OODT-402 as I start using the webapp and examining the source code in
more detail.

Many thanks again for your time,


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