moving the conversation to dev.


On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 11:10 AM, Chris Mattmann

> Hi Rajith,
> RE: #1 yep that's the next step.
> RE: #2, I would create a pluggable function/class that allows
> different "Besting" algorithms to be plugged in. One simple one
> would be AverageLoad (avg between the 3 load values). Another
> simple would be FiveMinuteLoad; another OneMinLoad; etc. I would
> also imagine allowing ArbitraryMetricWeightedAvgLoad where it takes
> in maybe a List<String> specifying the metric names, and then also
> maybe a HashMap<String, Double> that identifies the metric name,
> and then the weight to apply in the weighted average, e.g., maybe
> {{"1minload", "3.0"}, {"5minload", "10.0"}, {"15minload", "1.0"}}
> indicating that the final load should be calculated as:
> 3*[val of 1minLoad] + 10*[val of 5minLoad] + 1*[val of 15minLoad]
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>                           3
> Or something like the above
> for #3 (use casting and maybe Math.max)?
> for #4, see above.
> Also this should all probably go on so can
> you move the conversation there?
> Cheers,
> Chris
> ------------------------
> Chris Mattmann
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rajith Siriwardana <>
> Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 11:32 AM
> To: jpluser <>, jpluser
> <>
> Subject: [Ganglia plugin] Next steps
> >Hi Chris,
> >My next steps would be
> >
> >Adding the capability of creating a GangliaAssignmentMonitor from the
> >GangliaAssignmentMonitorFactory to AssignmentMonitor.
> >
> >in that case I have few questions,
> >
> >1. GangliaAssignmentMonitor should get the XML downloaded and parsed when
> >the AssignmentMonitor requests about the nodes current load right? and
> >this should update the loadMap in AssignmentMonitor?
> >
> >2. About the current load, what it should be 15 mins ? 5 mins ? 1 min ?
> >or should it be an average load. (since the requirement is the current
> >load, i guess this should be a weighted average of these three load
> >values)
> >
> >3. Ganglia provides the load values as percentage values.  loadMap uses
> >Integer, how the mapping should happen?
> >
> >4. I couldn't find anywhere which require any metric other than the load
> >of a resource node.
> >
> >
> >
> >Thank you,
> >Rajith
> >

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