Alright, so now I have something that works without too many clever commands.

Build as normal...

$ mvn clean install

That silly bug in assembly is still there, so build that separately...

$ cd openejb-assembly

$ mvn assembly:assembly

Then you can execute any number of three testing scenarios:


$ maven test:local

That will test the embedded scenario.


$ maven test:remote

That will test the a client app in it's vm against a standalone server in it's own vm. The communication will happen over our ejb protocol.


$ maven test:remote

Same as #2 but the communication will happen with the ejb protocol layered over http.

The client application used contains only the following libraries and not a single jar more. So we are really eating our own dog food here and not just slurping in all the jars we say we don't need:

  - org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-ejb_3.0_spec
  - org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-jta_1.0.1B_spec
  - junit:junit
  - org.openejb:openejb-itests
  - org.openejb:openejb-client

There is a bunch more to do on the tomcat integration to get that testing again. That'll be the next thing to knock off the list. Once that is there and we can easily test all the various modes of using OpenEJB, I want to start porting in tons more OpenEJB 2 code and keep all the tests working as we do it. We have a lot of code to reuse from the various incarnations of OpenEJB, hence the focus on testing up front to keep us on mark.

We're getting there.


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