On 19/06/2018 11:52, Michael Wiles wrote:
And in the interests of full disclosure in case some are still under a rock
and in case you make the same mistake I did...

OpenJpa 3.0.0 is now released. And I'm very excited to try it out.

Be aware however that it is not yet? on maven central but is available from
apache's maven repository (not sure if there's a reason why it's not on
maven central?).

Why do you say that?


So you can get it here:


On Mon, 16 Oct 2017 at 10:26 Mark Struberg <strub...@yahoo.de.invalid>

Yes, +1 for a 3.0.0 release in the near future.
We run 'good enough' to be of use imo.


Am 13.10.2017 um 10:37 schrieb Francesco Chicchiriccò <
Hi Michael,
sorry for the late reply and thanks for your appreciation!

My 2c on the questions below, especially because I also have some
interest in being able to run a non-SNAPSHOT version of OpenJPA 3.0.0 with
Syncope 2.1.0 / Spring 5.
AFAICT, the current trunk (e.g. 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT) already features some
interesting enhancements when compared to 2.4.x (e.g. 2.4.3-SNAPSHOT),
including Java 8 / JPA 2.1 compatibility, even though the implementation is
not yet complete.
We also discussed [1] and decided [2] to move on with JPA 2.2 on trunk,
and to a recent inquiry [3] Mark suggested that the possibility of
releasing soon some kind of intermediate release is indeed possible.
Even though the final 3.0.0, fully JPA 2.2 is possibly far in the
future, would it be realistic to consolidate what we have right now into a
3.0.0-M1 release?

[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENJPA-2709

On 11/10/2017 10:32, Michael Wiles wrote:
Hi All

As you know Spring 5 requires JEE7 as a minimum requirement.

I am keen to upgrade to Spring 5 as I want to upgrade to Elastic search
and do do that we need Spring Data 2 for that and for that we need
Spring 5.
Let me say that I can only recommend openjpa.

I say this because in my endeavours to upgrade to Spring 5 I switched to
using Hibernate and cursed hibernate because it required that every
had a corresponding setter (even if those methods had nothing to do with
persistence) unless the existing method is annotated with @Transient.
rather ludicrous requirement disqualified hibernate in my eyes.

Then I tried to eclipselink and again my app did not start because the
Spring Data meta model generating failed. Something to do with having
Spring data repositories on composite keys (I have a lot of these) -
notwithstanding the fact that I had to build my own version of
because I got a stackoverflow because I use an annotation that was
annotated with itself (and they support meta annotations).

What is interesting is that I used the 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT branch of Openjpa
my code and was able to run some of my integration tests successfully on
Spring 5.

So given all the above, I am unwilling to migrate to hiberate or
eclipselink - this I do not want to do.

I'm sorry to ask such a blunt question: When will a JPA 2.1 compliant
version of openjpa be ready? I guess I would like some indication about
whether it will weeks, months or years?

In this regard, what can I do to help? I do not want to switch to
or eclipselink so I would be willing to help where I can... I'm not sure
I'd be able to do some of the more hard core stuff - although I do get
close and personal with the low level code from time to time - but I
help with testing and/or documentation... I do have a fairly robust
application which does use a lot of the jpa specification.

Thank you - and thanks again for what I think is the best JPA
implementation around.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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