Hi Pieter,

I am not sure I am getting your question.

The format itself is described on geojson.org, but that's not your question I 

In OpenLayers a Protocol class will handle the interaction with the service. So 
for instance we have a Protocol.WFS which can talk to a Web Feature Service. 
MapFish has written a Protocol.MapFish which extends Protocol.HTTP.

Probably this ticket which got included in the 2.9 release is also of interest:


Best regards,

Looking for flexible support on OpenLayers or GeoExt? Please check out 

Bart van den Eijnden

On Aug 13, 2010, at 8:22 AM, Pieter De Graef wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I noticed in the documentation that OpenLayers has support for the 
> GeoJson format, and I was wondering how exactly I could create a GeoJson 
> service that OpenLayers could read from. I saw that multiple open source 
> servers (Geoserver, FeatureServer, ..) have some sort of server-side 
> implementation, but looking at the documentation of those projects it is 
> not clear to me how exactly such a service should be defined.
> The reason I'm asking, is because I would like to organize a code sprint 
> at FOSS4G 2010 where we create such a service for the Geomajas project. 
> The idea is to make it easy for an OpenLayers map to connect to a 
> Geomajas server.
> Thanks in advance,
> -- 
> Pieter De Graef
> Community Manager
> GeoSparc nv.
> http://www.geosparc.com/
> Chairman of the Geomajas project
> http://www.geomajas.org/
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