On 8/17/10 7:14 PM, Phil Scadden wrote:
>> How do you know that the line (179 0, -179 0) is meant to cross the date 
>> line?
> You cant as far as I know. And how would you unambiguously specify it?

Please don't try to bake in any assumptions about heading in a line 
segment.  Our geometry model is based on coordinates on a plane.  My 
opinion is that "crossing the dateline" is application logic. 
Geometries should be split when the user tries to draw beyond the domain 
of the coordinate system.

> We generally store everything in arcSDE in WGS84 lat/long and depend on
> client mapping to sort it out. When you have no unambiguous way of
> specify which way the line goes, the obvious convention is take the
> shortest distance. ship track/air track are overwhelming source of data
> in this catagory while I cant really think of a mapping application
> where you would want 179,0, -179,0 to be circle the globe.

Tim Schaub
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