Please check Paul's answer :)

On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 9:46 PM, Peter Dähn <> wrote:

> ok... should be the right address... I keep this browser-tab open... ;-)
> Am 08.01.2016 um 15:18 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
>> done:!topic/red5interest/uYwN_F1HmDQ
>> please feel free to comment :)
>> On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 2:31 PM, Peter Dähn <> wrote:
>> Hi Maxim,
>>> by now OpenJDK 7. With Java 8 it could be worth to test G1GC. By now I'm
>>> not sure, how to test it under have load wi8thout using my live system...
>>> ;-)
>>> Greetings Peter
>>> Am 07.01.2016 um 15:28 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
>>> Actually this file is part of red5 distribution, I'll try to propose your
>>>> options as default ones.
>>>> BTW what java are you using?
>>>> WBR, Maxim
>>>> (from mobile, sorry for the typos)
>>>> On Jan 7, 2016 20:22, "Peter Dähn" <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Maxim,
>>>>> you are right... "Väterchen Frost" is coming today... ;-) Then have a
>>>>> nice
>>>>> party and a lot of gifts.. ;-)
>>>>> Probably someone could check highperf settings? If it doesn't work, it
>>>>> shouldn't be shipped in that way...
>>>>> Am 07.01.2016 um 13:05 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
>>>>> Hello Peter,
>>>>>> Happy New Year :) Today it is also Christmas in Russia, so Merry
>>>>>> Christmas
>>>>>> :)
>>>>>> We are not using highperf script on our demo server (we are using
>>>>>> I'm glad the issue is resolved for you :)
>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 4:15 PM, Peter Dähn <> wrote:
>>>>>> Happy new year to all!
>>>>>> Hi Maxim,
>>>>>>> the server here seems to work again. I ended up to use java-opts from
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> 3.0.2 installation.
>>>>>>> export JVM_OPTS="-Xrs -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -Xss512K -XX:NewSize=256m
>>>>>>> -XX:SurvivorRatio=16 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
>>>>>>> -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
>>>>>>> -Xverify:none"
>>>>>>> This works for me. I don't know, it seems, that we are the only ones
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> this problem...
>>>>>>> Anyway I will observe this and probably use this threat again
>>>>>>> later...
>>>>>>> BR Peter
>>>>>>> Am 16.12.2015 um 11:54 schrieb Peter Dähn:
>>>>>>> Hi Maxim,
>>>>>>> if it works better go on... ;-) I would need to test it somehow if
>>>>>>>> its
>>>>>>>> help me out...
>>>>>>>> By now we figure out, it could be a Problem with the options in
>>>>>>>> With the installation of OM 3.0.7 we also made an update from Ubuntu
>>>>>>>> 12.04 to 14.04. So we are using OpenJDK 7 by now.
>>>>>>>> The troublemaker seemed to be "-XX:+UseParNewGC". It seems, that
>>>>>>>> during
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> gc some user loose the connection and others are delayed somehow...
>>>>>>>> "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC" works better here. This one produce less
>>>>>>>> "Rejected messages". We had a test yesterday evening and the system
>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>> usable. By now I try  "-XX:+UseG1GC" this should also work better.
>>>>>>>> Which
>>>>>>>> JDK do you use and which java options shall I try.
>>>>>>>> BR Peter
>>>>>>>> Am 15.12.2015 um 15:44 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
>>>>>>>> I can switch 3.1.0 to red5 1.0.7 maybe it will work better :)
>>>>>>>> please let me know if you are interested
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 3:44 PM, Peter Dähn <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello Maxim,
>>>>>>>>> thanks for that hint. I will try this one also. Currently I still
>>>>>>>>> try
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> figure out whats going on...
>>>>>>>>>> BR Peter
>>>>>>>>>> Am 15.12.2015 um 07:53 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
>>>>>>>>>> sorry for the late response
>>>>>>>>>> I believe "Rejected message" are not good as well as WARN from
>>>>>>>>>>> DeadLockScheduler
>>>>>>>>>>> it seems red5 was unable to process messages on good speed
>>>>>>>>>>> you might try to tweek to optimize it
>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 2:52 PM, Peter Dähn <>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Maxim,
>>>>>>>>>>> thank you for your response.
>>>>>>>>>>> I will try to figure out, what went wrong. Use a different (test)
>>>>>>>>>>>> system
>>>>>>>>>>>> might work, but at least I will have problems to produce a kind
>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>> traffic.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately I don't know how to reproduce these error... Might
>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>> traffic, might be configuration... it seems we are the only one
>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>> problem... :-( I think you already had a look at your logs...
>>>>>>>>>>>> First I would like to know, do I have to worry about the "INFO
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Rejected message:"-entries?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Rejected
>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't sound that good for me..
>>>>>>>>>>>> Greetings Peter
>>>>>>>>>>>> Am 10.12.2015 um 16:52 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I never saw errors like this :(
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can only suggest to
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) try 3.1.0 SNAPSHOT should work better with audio/video
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) try to update red5 to latest RC might work better
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3) ask red5 mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> try all above :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is the issue easily reproducible?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 8:25 PM, Peter Dähn <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi there,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> we encounter a problem using om 3.0.7 on ubuntu-server with 4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cpus
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gb ram. Network is 1 gb-ethernet.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A teacher reported, that a session was stopped due to several
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disconnects
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and a bad audio quality. Audio had glitches and user got
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disconnected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> often. The situation got worst by using screen-recording.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I found alot of warnings and disconnects in the log that time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here an example:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:23,504 [NioProcessor-4] INFO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Rejected message: Packet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [[header
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type=8, channel=16, timer=1768266], [message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> timestamp=1768266]]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CG2CSHDX5LFVD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:23,736 [NioProcessor-4] INFO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Rejected message: Packet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [[header
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type=8, channel=34, timer=1388395], [message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> timestamp=1388395]]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0XS9VHWF75UMX
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:23,750 [NioProcessor-4] INFO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Rejected message: Packet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [[header
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type=8, channel=16, timer=1768498], [message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> timestamp=1768498]]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CG2CSHDX5LFVD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:23,750 [NioProcessor-1] INFO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Rejected message: Packet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [[header
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type=8, channel=58, timer=504480], [message timestamp=504480]]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> V3GNK2XVSN2VO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:23,765 [NioProcessor-13] INFO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Rejected message: Packet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [[header
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type=8, channel=4, timer=665318], [message timestamp=665318]]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3Y2OVUT1W0KWG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:23,766 [NioProcessor-4] INFO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Rejected message: Packet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [[header
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type=8, channel=16, timer=1768544], [message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> timestamp=1768544]]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CG2CSHDX5LFVD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:23,776 [NioProcessor-9] INFO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Rejected message: Packet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [[header
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type=8, channel=34, timer=1510203], [message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> timestamp=1510203]]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> O6M69P8EUCWJX
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:23,787 [NioProcessor-15] INFO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Rejected message: Packet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [[header
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type=8, channel=58, timer=1448863], [message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> timestamp=1448863]]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TIUYYRLR80D32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:24,126 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-17] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> K1EFB4AJLRGNK
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:26,109 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-21] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> K1EFB4AJLRGNK
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:26,393 [RTMPConnectionScheduler-12] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Closing 1MGWAR97JFXFW,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> due
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> long
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> handshake. State: handshake
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:27,661 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-31] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> K1EFB4AJLRGNK
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:28,283 [http-nio-] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Null connection for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> session
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> id:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1MGWAR97JFXFW
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:29,428 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-23] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> K1EFB4AJLRGNK
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:31,447 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-13] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> YZO09I3B96EYW
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:31,896 [RTMPConnectionExecutor-134] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupted while waiting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lock. State: connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:33,027 [RTMPConnectionExecutor-157] INFO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> o.a.o.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter - W3C x-category:session
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> x-event:connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c-client-id:HUDY62CJY8UI0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:34,321 [http-nio-] ERROR
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> o.r.s.n.r.codec.RTMPProtocolDecoder - Last header null not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> headerSize:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1, channelId 37
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:34,436 [http-nio-] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> o.r.s.n.r.codec.RTMPProtocolDecoder - Closing connection
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decoding
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> failed: RTMPTConnection from (in: 3914 out:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3900)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> session:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HUDY62CJY8UI0 state: connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:34,724 [http-nio-] INFO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> o.a.o.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter - W3C x-category:session
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> x-event:disconnect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c-client-id:HUDY62CJY8UI0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:34,991 [http-nio-] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Null connection for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> session
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> id:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HUDY62CJY8UI0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:41,518 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-30] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5SYB0WBTBVCMZ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:51:41,819 [RTMPConnectionExecutor-154] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupted while waiting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lock. State: connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:52:01,167 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-21] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5SYB0WBTBVCMZ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:52:01,404 [RTMPConnectionExecutor-133] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupted while waiting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lock. State: connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:52:10,091 [RTMPConnectionExecutor-138] INFO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> o.a.o.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter - W3C x-category:session
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> x-event:connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c-client-id:567
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:52:29,221 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-17] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> QI81ELGF3OZSJ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:52:29,369 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-10] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> QI81ELGF3OZSJ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:52:29,483 [RTMPConnectionExecutor-145] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupted while waiting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lock. State: connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:52:29,617 [RTMPConnectionExecutor-138] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupted while waiting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lock. State: connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:52:44,665 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-24] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GARSOFM7QNIBF
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:52:45,080 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-10] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> YZO09I3B96EYW
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:52:45,199 [RTMPConnectionExecutor-154] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupted while waiting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lock. State: connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:52:48,382 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-28] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XYPAYVIJODN57
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:53:06,901 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-30] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5SYB0WBTBVCMZ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:53:07,011 [RTMPConnectionExecutor-155] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupted while waiting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lock. State: connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:53:12,984 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-18] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5SYB0WBTBVCMZ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:53:13,052 [RTMPConnectionExecutor-159] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupted while waiting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lock. State: connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:53:19,812 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-13] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XYPAYVIJODN57
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:53:19,816 [DeadlockGuardScheduler-32] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupting unfinished
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XYPAYVIJODN57
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:53:19,818 [RTMPConnectionExecutor-157] WARN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Interrupted while waiting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lock. State: connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-09 18:53:22,358 [NioProcessor-5] INFO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> o.a.o.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter - W3C x-category:session
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> x-event:disconnect c-client-id:559
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does anyone see something like this? Where do I have to start
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investigate, what happens?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BR Peter

Maxim aka solomax

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