Hi all,

this time the progress with the testing for 1.6.0 is rather slow. Most
tests are done now and I believe we are in a good shape to build RC3.
Anyway it would have bee better to be at that stage month ago.

To improve the situation in the future I would like to propose to automate
all tests which can be run against data which is publicly available. These
tests are all set up following the same pattern, they train a component on
a corpus and afterwards evaluate against it. If the results matches the
result of the previous release we hope the code doesn't contain any
regressions. In some cases we have changes which influence the performance
(e.g. bug fixes) in that case we adjust the expected performance score and
carefully test that a particular change caused it.

We sometimes have changes which shouldn't influence the performance of a
component but still do due to some mistakes. These we need to identify
during testing.

The big issue we have with testing against public data is that we usually
can't include the data in the OpenNLP release because of their license. And
today we just do all the work manually by training on a corpus and
afterwards running the built in evaluation against the model.

I suggest we write JUnit tests which are doing this in case the user has
the right corpus for the test. Those tests will be disabled by default and
can be run by providing the -Dtest property and the location of the data

For example.
mvn test -Dtest=Conll06* -DOPENNLP_CORPUS_DIR=/home/admin/opennlp-data

The tests will do all the work and fail if the expected results don't match.

Automating those tests has the great advantage that we can run them much
more frequently during the development phase and hopefully identify bugs
before we even start with the release process.
Addionally we might be able to run that on our build server.

Any opinions?


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