Btw. usually, there is little to no difference between the latest SNAPSHOT 
e.g. 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT in this case, and the RC. You could switch your CI to use 
SNAPSHOT versions from the Apache repos. Please mind that these SNAPSHOTS are 
releases, did not generally undergo the process necessary for a release, and 
not meant for general consumption.


-- Richard

On 01.06.2015, at 16:29, Richard Eckart de Castilho <> 

> Hi,
> this is not a release - it is a release CANDIDATE. 
> The procedure used here is the typical Apache procedure:
> - create release candidate
> - ask PMC members to check the RC and vote on it
> - if vote passes, the release is complete
> It is not possible to create a release without the votes.
> I think you are confusing a release candidate with a public beta release.
> Mind that a beta-release would also have to go through the process defined
> above.
> tl:dr: Do not test this on your CI machines or if you do, configure the 
> respective
> builds to use a separate repository to avoid the problem you desribe.
> Cheers,
> -- Richard
> On 01.06.2015, at 16:21, František Hartman <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wanted try the RC4 in our project. But this gives me headaches:
>>> To use it in a maven build set the version for opennlp-tools or
>>> opennlp-uima to 1.6.0 and add the following URL to your settings.xml file:
>> I don't understand why it is done this way, instead of releasing the RC
>> under version 1.6.0-RC4.
>> Consider this scenario - if I add this repository into my pom and use
>> version 1.6.0, then the local maven repository of every developer on our
>> project and every repository on our CI machines will get polluted with RC4
>> artifacts labelled as 1.6.0. When there is a final 1.6.0 release maven will
>> not re-download them (it considers versions final and immutable unless
>> labelled as SNAPSHOT). Somebody will have to go and manually delete these.
>> Would it be possible to re-release with different version?
>> F.

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